Saturday, December 25, 2010

101225 Kitchen

We woke up at Grammy and Pop-pop's house in RI on Christmas morning. Julia's aunties and uncles thought she was ready for some cooking experience. Thus, they outfitted her with a kitchen and food. We are looking forward to hours of winter fun back home in Ithaca!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Early Christmas!

Christmas came a little bit early to the Walkenbach house! By the time the holidays are over, Julia's going to be a present-pro! Here's the video, in two parts, of Julia's first encounter with gifts under the tree during Christmas 2010. :)

Uncle Chris Reads Frosty!!!

Uncle Chris sent a wonderful early Christmas present to Julia last week! He recorded "Frosty the Snowman," and Julia has a tough time putting the book down, she loves it so much! Thank you, Uncle Chris!!!

Art at Grammy's House

We visited Grammy and Poppop in RI for Thanksgiving. Julia accessed her inner artist during the visit. She enjoys crayons and dough. :) And Tucker was a pretty good apprentice.

A Penguin Halloween

Here's our penguin on Halloween! I made the mistake of thinking Julia wasn't ready to go trick-or-treating. She was definitely interested. When kids came to the door, she asked to go with them. Every time. Didn't matter who they were. Next year, we'll know better!

Monday, December 6, 2010

101017 At Treman Park

During Grandma's October visit to Ithaca we spent a lovely afternoon at our favorite swimming hole- but no swimming this time of year!

101017 Cornell Plantations

Grandma Cindy and Uncle Chris came to Ithaca in October. We had great fun walking at the Cornell Plantations and showing off the fall foliage to our West Coast family!!!

101008 Rehearsal Dinner

Julia had a ball at Auntie Julia and Uncle Mike's rehearsal dinner on Cape Cod back in October. She had lots of fun with her extended family and managed to develop a taste for lobster.

1010202 ABCs

Julia's been working on her ABCs. Actually, she loves watching the LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD. Something's surely sinking in, though!

100909 MOST

We spent a fun day at the Museum of Science and Technology in Syracuse back in October. The mirrors were a hit!

100906 Sciencenter.m4v

We spent Labor Day at the Sciencenter here in Ithaca. It was only the first or second time we spent the day there, but it became a favorite go-to place for Bill and Jujubee during the fall when Mommy was in class.

100906 Dancing in the Dark.m4v

At last, I've figured out how to add more videos to the Blogger site! Here's a bit from early September when Julia was rocking out in the living room. Loves her shades!