Monday, November 30, 2009


Julia is taking swimming lessons at the YMCA and seems to be tolerating it pretty well! Daddy came with us to the second lesson and took some video.

The quality isn't great due to the size of the video. The upload process takes a long time, though using the YouTube videos seems to be better. So, we'll post another version of this same video soon in hope of getting a better picture!

Sunday Sunday Sunday!

We spent a cozy Sunday at home a few weeks ago, complete with football and bbq ribs. Julia was working on pulling up on the ottoman all morning, and it paid off when the ribs were served in the family room! We soon moved lunch to the kitchen table to avoid temptation. No, she didn't even get a taste.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Visit with Abigael Sophia!

Katie and Abigael came for lunch and playtime earlier this week. It was a riot to see the girls together.

Since they're only a day apart, they're doing so many of the same things- or variations of the same thing. They both love to talk, play, and crawl. And Abigael brought Julia a new toy! The water bottle filled with elbow macaroni was a hit!

And Abby also brought some snacks for Julia. Both babes love their Gerber crunchies. Julia is going through her container of "Maple Cinnamon" faster than she probably ought to!

The girls were also much more aware of one another than in any previous visit.


We've had unusually mild weather this month, so we've been trying to take advantage of it and get outside. We have so many cool places to walk and explore. We recently went to Buttermilk Falls State Park and played on the swings. It was Julia's first time in a "real" swing. It looks like she enjoyed it!

And here's a clip of her in the baby swing. Also looks like a good time!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


We spent Halloween in RI, so Grandma Judy got to see Jujubee in the Minnie Mouse costume she picked out for her grandbaby. To Julia's credit, she was a super sport about the whole outfit. She even tolerated the ears better than we could have hoped. We did have to make one minor alteration- At 7 months and 3 weeks, Jujubee's biceps were too big for the arm holes of the dress, size 6-9 months. A quick snip of the elastic and all was well.

Fall Pictures

Here's a sampling of Julia's autumn. It was a FAST season! We're looking forward to JB's first holiday season. :)

FALL 2009

Getting the hang of kneeling...

Julia's getting more and more comfortable kneeling at her LeapFrog table. I propped her up on her feet to start, and she got to her knees pretty gracefully. It's amazing to watch her make such big gains!

Jujubee Crawls

Julia's getting to be a regular motor-buns! Here she is, crawling for a few feet before she gets distracted by the whale mat.

Dancing with Daddy

Julia and Daddy did some dancing a few weeks ago. Jujubee loves her papa! I think she likes the "tall" perspective of the world, too. A bit different from when she's hanging out with Mommy.

PS- There is intentionally no sound on this video! Mommy needs to learn the words before she's allowed to sing on camera. :)