Saturday, December 26, 2009


Here's some video of Julia opening her presents on Christmas morning. Though we weren't originally planning on being in Ithaca for the holiday, it was a lovely, quiet day at home. And Julia had PLENTY of gifts to keep her busy from friends and family. Grandma Cindy and Grandma Judy made sure she had enough packages to make for a magical morning. She understood the concept of opening prettily wrapped packages to find things inside faster than we would have guessed! All in all, we have so much to be thankful for during this Christmas season.

Taking the wagon for a walk

One of Julia's favorite toys is a wagon she received from Aunties Liz and Sper. (Mommy's friends from college.) She loves to push her blocks and books around in the wagon.

Feeding Mommy

Julia's pretty generous with her Cheerios. When she's had enough, she gladly shares with Mommy. It's great fun for everyone. :)

Marvelous mittens

Julia's a very good sport when getting bundled up to go outside. Her mittens are like two new friends!

Getting the hang of walking!

Julia's getting pretty good at walking around the house with Daddy. Pretty soon she'll be moving under her own power. Scary thought...

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Julia had her first pancake today! It was a mushy, smooshy hit. No maple syrup just yet.

Thanksgiving Videos

Here are some videos from Thanksgiving in Rhode Island.

Thanksgiving 2009

We had a lot to be thankful for around the dinner table this Thanksgiving. Our biggest blessing is Julia, of course, along with all of our loved ones and their health.

Cousin Zoe stopped by to play with Julia. They had a blast with the plethora of Beanie Babies!