WOW! We are slackers in the blogosphere! I can't believe we let a whole 6 weeks go by without a single post to the blog. My apologies to all of the Julia-watchers out there! Luckily, we have plenty of pictures and video to put up, and now I have a moment or two to get a few of them here. I'll do my best to go chronologically, but things may get a bit mixed up!
Julia is now a full ONE YEAR OLD! It's hard to believe that such a feat is possible. Of course, when I think back to all of those hours, days, weeks, and months, it feels like a lifetime. And it was! Julia's lifetime thus far. :)
She's walking and talking (kind of) and definitely exploring the world around her. She loves her finger foods and feeding herself, Elmo, and all manner of playing. She is especially fond of musical instruments and books.
All in all, Julia is great company. She's a happy, lovable, fiercely independent baby on her way to toddlerhood, if she's not there already! I miss parts of her baby-ness, but the little girl she's becoming is a sweetheart.
Now what was it that I did before she came along???? I can't recall...
Here are some photos from the past few months. Videos are on the way!
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