Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Julia's August

Julia's AUGUST 2009 pictures

We've had a super fun August!

Julia and I have been spending Tuesday mornings at the Farmer's Market in DeWitt Park, hanging out with the moms and babies while the older kids enjoy Storytime. We were clued into this hip scene by our neighbor, Karen, who has three little boys. Simon is only 20 days younger than Julia, and you can see from the pictures that Julia's keeping him close. They'll be good buddies for a while, we think.

We also enjoyed a visit from Ken Hunt, one of Bill's best friends from high school. We got to show him the Ithaca sights and hear about his exciting tales from the OR before he relocates to Stanford.

Nick Bayer and Hally Schreiber came to town to get married, and many of the Cornell Baseball and Sigma Chi alums came, too! Julia had a chance to meet Finn Mauro (11.5 months) when we had the group over for a cookout. She also enjoyed taking a picture with Daddy in his fancy tuxedo.

While Bill was getting ready for the players to return to campus, Julia and I took another trip to the beach. We spent some great time with most of her Sullivan family, and she even met a few "Auxiliary Aunties!" Auntie Holly came from CT to spend some beach time with us, and she gave Julia a cool new towel. It's going to get a LOT of wear next year. At the end of the week, Julia met Aunties Cope, Booty, Deaner, and Sper at Kelley's baby shower. She was thrilled to meet everyone, and then she got to spend the day in Boston with Aunt Julia and Pearl.

All in all, Julia's had a fabulous first summer. We're sad to see it end, but we're looking forward to the excitement the school year is sure to bring!

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