Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Julia's Trip to California

Julia went on her first plane ride following her baptism to visit all of her California family! She was an EXCEPTIONAL traveler! Despite a 15+ hour day out to the West Coast, she was all smiles and merriment. It was a blessing to have Grandma Cindy and Uncle Chris with us for the flight. The trip back was not quite so long, and she did well then, too.

Our time in Claremont, California was amazing. Julia got to meet all of Bill's family including Great-Grandma (GG) Bobbie, Uncle Scott, Uncle Ray, and Aunt Valerie. We also had a chance to meet many of Grandma Cindy's friends. They had heard all about Julia, and she didn't disappoint! Except for a minor naptime meltdown at Grandma's office, Julia was a super social butterfly.

We did some very fun things including a trip to Balboa Island (where Grandma Cindy spent summers with her grandma!), Crystal Cove beach, Laguna Beach, the Claremont 4th of July celebration, and we even went out to a few restaurants! We also got some good walks in around Grandma's neighborhood and in the Botanical Gardens in Julia's BOB stroller. And perhaps the biggest event of our trip was celebrating GG Bobbie's 93rd birthday!!!

All in all, we had a marvelous time. Julia can't wait to go back!

Julia's CA Trip- Part 1

Julia's CA Trip- Part 2

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